Whenever a student is absent, a written explanation from a parent must be presented to the child’s teacher on the day of return to school. You are required by the Education Act of WA to inform the class teacher in writing the reasons for your child’s absence the first day the child returns to school. A note of absence could be as simple as:
Dear Mrs Thomas
Elizabeth was absent from school on Thursday, 6 May 2019 because she had a sore throat.
Thank You
Mrs N Goody
13 May 2019
A child will be permitted to leave the school during school hours only when a parent/guardian, or appointed adult signs the child out in the journal in the School Reception. Any child leaving the school during school hours must be collected from the classroom by the adult (parent/guardian or their appointed representative).
You are requested to notify the school as soon as it is known that a child’s absence is likely to exceed one week. A long term planned absence (eg. holiday) should be referred to the Principal and class teacher at the earliest possible opportunity.